Saturday, March 14, 2009

I want to live a simple life

I am exhausted,why so ? I couldn't find the power of persuing something,even don't know what I want?All of a sudden,I just want to live a simple life,not expect too much.

Perhaps I need to adjust myself in time,rest and work.

I am wrong,everything has two aspects,one is good ,another is bad,it depends on your view.everytime I just don't know what I am doing wrong?pardon all but yourself,I ever take this sayings as my motto,but I find that it is too tired,after all,every man has his faults.

I just want to live a simple life,really,not so complex and hard.I aslo just want to get the work done properly,there is nothing else.

Never give up,you just have to be yourself.-平平淡淡才是真!

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